
Mutiny Unleashed: Andrea Jenkyns Submits Vote of No Confidence, Declaring Rishi ‘Must Depart’

"We find ourselves with a party leader whom party members have rejected, as reflected in the polls indicating public disapproval, and I wholeheartedly concur."

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Andrea Jenkyns has broken ranks within the Conservative Party by publicly submitting a letter expressing a lack of confidence in Rishi Sunak, making her the first Tory MP to do so.

In her communication addressed to Sir Graham Brady, the chairman of the 1922 Committee, Jenkyns criticized the Prime Minister as “machiavellian” for orchestrating the removal of Boris Johnson. She echoed the sentiments of the public, declaring “enough is enough.”

Jenkyns lamented the party’s predicament, stating, “If it wasn’t already problematic to have a party leader rejected by its members and the wider public, the polls reinforce this sentiment, and I am in complete agreement. It is time for Rishi Sunak to step down.”

Highlighting the unforgivable nature of forcing Boris Johnson out of No 10, she added, “But then to purge the centre-right from his cabinet and dismiss Suella, the only individual in the cabinet bold enough to address the grim state of our streets and the two-tier policing system that instills fear in the Jewish community, is beyond acceptable.”

With the Conservative Party experiencing internal divisions, Jenkyns may pave the way for others to submit letters of no confidence in Sunak, potentially causing headaches for the Chancellor in the lead-up to the next election.

For the full content of the letter, please see below.

“Dear Sir Graham,

Enough is enough. If it wasn’t bad enough that we have a party leader that the party members rejected, the polls demonstrate that the public reject him, and I am in full agreement. It is time for Rishi Sunak to go.

Rishi’s Machiavellian involvement in getting rid of our democratically elected leader Boris Johnson, who bravely fought for Brexit when parliament was in deadlock. Yes Boris, the man who won the Conservative Party a massive majority, was unforgivable enough. But then to purge the centre-right from his cabinet and then sack Suella who was the only person in the cabinet with the balls to speak the truth of the appalling state of our streets and a two-tier policing system that leaves Jewish community in fear for their lives and safety.

And the King’s Speech; we should have had a barnstorming speech that would have strongly set out our stall ready for the General Election that defines our true Conservative values. To be 20 points plus behind in the polls and by-election defeat after defeat. How long are MPs going to sit on their hands and let he and his out-of- touch advisors damage our party irrevocably?

I therefore submit this letter of no confidence in Rishi Sunak as our Conservative Party leader.

I do this to stand up and fight for true Conservatism, we must be a party that delivers low taxes, be trusted on the economy and turbo charge our skills to power our economy. We must be strong on law and order, take control of our borders, be energy independent as a nation and stand up for our freedom of speech. I hope other Conservative MPs follow suit, this is our last chance, to stop Starmer, the man who tried to put Jeremy Corbyn into Number Ten, we need to stop his socialist cabal, who will change the face of Britain beyond recognition“.


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