
King Charles dons Greek flag-themed tie during greeting with Rishi Sunak following recent tension over Elgin Marbles

King Charles, whose father hailed from Greece, was photographed donning traditional attire as he crossed paths with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak during the COP28 climate change summit in Dubai, UAE.

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King Charles was spotted sporting a tie adorned with the Greek flag, a nod to his Greek heritage, during an unexpected encounter with the Prime Minister at the COP28 climate change summit in Dubai. This came shortly after Rishi Sunak faced criticism for cancelling a meeting with Kyriakos Mitsotakis following the latter’s call for the return of the Elgin Marbles to Athens from the British Museum.

In response to claims made by George Osborne that he had a tantrum over the artefacts, now known as the Parthenon Sculptures, Mr. Sunak denied the accusation. Referring to his stance in parliament, he reiterated his focus on addressing public concerns.

Addressing comparisons drawn between himself and Labour leader Keir Starmer’s diplomatic approach, Mr. Sunak defended his track record in global diplomacy. He highlighted achievements such as the Windsor Framework agreement, the Aukus partnership with Australia and America, and the Gcap initiative involving Japan and Italy in the development of next-generation fighter jets.

The tie worn by King Charles was made in Athens ( Image: PA)
This hat worn by the Queen in 2017 had a striking similarity to the EU flag ( Image: AFP/Getty Images)

He mentioned that the UK is collaborating with Albania, Turkey, Bulgaria, France, Italy, and several others regarding illegal migration. He stated, “I’m quite satisfied with our approach to foreign policy, our engagement with all our global partners and allies, which has resulted in tangible benefits for the British populace, such as increased investment, job opportunities, and enhanced security. This is the path we intend to maintain.”

Greece has persistently requested the repatriation of significant cultural artefacts, taken by Lord Elgin from Athens during the early 19th century while serving as the British ambassador to the Ottoman Empire. These artefacts, a segment of the friezes adorning the 2,500-year-old Parthenon temple atop the Acropolis, have been exhibited at the British Museum in London for over two centuries. The rest of the friezes are housed in a specially constructed museum in Athens.

In his remarks on the Political Currency podcast, Mr. Osborne reaffirmed his ongoing discussions with the Greek government on behalf of the museum. These discussions aim to establish an agreement that would permit the display of the sculptures in Greece.

The King is known to have worn a tie crafted by Pagoni Maison des Cravates in Athens. This particular tie was also worn by him last week during the State Visit of the President of the Republic of Korea.

In 2017, Queen Elizabeth II donned a hat bearing a striking resemblance to the EU flag during the State Opening of Parliament.

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