
Emotional moment on ‘Deal or No Deal’ as contestant breaks down in tears, confiding in host Stephen Mulhern about his impending mortality

Not a single eye remained unmoistened in the studio when contestant Brad revealed to Stephen Mulhern that he had received a diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease and had limited time left to live.

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The atmosphere on ‘Deal or No Deal’ took an emotional turn when contestant Brad shared a deeply personal revelation with host Stephen Mulhern. Brad visibly struggled to contain his emotions as he disclosed his diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and the bleak prognosis it carried.

With tears streaming down his face, Brad described the devastating effects of MND, which progressively weakens muscles due to the degeneration of motor neurons. He bravely acknowledged that his life expectancy was limited, facing the prospect of eventual paralysis.

Despite the daunting prognosis, Brad displayed remarkable courage, revealing that he anticipated having only a few years left. In a positive and resilient tone, he mentioned the inspiring example of Stephen Hawking, who lived for 55 years after being diagnosed with MND.

Brad unveiled his serious health condition on the ITV show

With a quivering voice, he confided in Stephen, expressing his desire to join the show in hopes of securing funds to kick-start his bucket list. Brad also aimed to provide some financial support for his family.

The studio was awash with emotion as Brad’s colleagues, now close friends, were moved to tears upon hearing about his situation and newfound optimism. Several were seen on camera wiping away their tears.

Brad seemed to be performing admirably, and the studio atmosphere crackled with energy. Everyone rallied behind him, rooting for a substantial win.

Stephen was lost for words as Brad broke down (Image: ITV)

At a certain juncture in the game, Brad successfully eliminated more blue boxes than red, a notable feat. Moreover, he still had the significant sum of £100,000 awaiting discovery.

During a pivotal moment, Brad demonstrated exceptional skill by uncovering more red boxes than blue ones. The banker, sensing the stakes, made a substantial offer of £12,500 while the £75,000 box remained unclaimed.

Seeking guidance, Brad turned to his mother for advice. She suggested continuing the game, citing his recent fortunate streak. However, the game took an abrupt and harsh turn thereafter.

There wasn’t a dry eye in the studio

After declining the cash offer, Brad disclosed his dream of securing £75,000, only to see it shattered during the final round of the game. With just four boxes remaining – containing £75,000, £5,000, £10, and £5 – tension ran high. The fourth box opened to reveal the coveted £75,000, but instead of elation, it brought disappointment to Brad and the audience.

The situation took a turn for the worse as Brad inadvertently eliminated the £5,000 box. Disheartened, he lamented to host Stephen about his perpetual ill luck, expressing his lack of surprise at the outcome.

Despite the banker’s final offer of a mere £4, Brad bravely opened his own box in the last round, only to unveil a meagre £5 – a far cry from his aspirations.

On social media platform X, formerly Twitter, fans poured out emotional tributes for Brad. One user tweeted: “#DealOrNoDeal Brad deserved better luck. His story is a testament to resilience.” Another empathetically remarked, “Brad, although the win wasn’t yours, you have a loving family, a charming partner, and a menagerie that surpasses any monetary gain. Wishing you all the best. #DealOrNoDeal.”

Viewers expressed their emotional turmoil with comments like, “This episode of Deal or No Deal is heart-wrenching. My heart goes out to Brad. #DealOrNoDeal,” and “I’m truly moved. Poor Brad has left me in tears.”

The programme airs weekdays on ITV at 4pm.

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