
Climate activist Greta Thunberg apprehended by police during London protest.

Swedish campaigner detained during demonstration against the fossil fuel sector's sway over UK and worldwide climate policies.

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Greta Thunberg has been apprehended by UK authorities during a climate protest outside a London hotel where a significant oil and gas industry conference is being held.

Thunberg was part of a group of demonstrators who vociferated “oily money out” and endeavored to impede access to the Energy Intelligence Forum on Tuesday by sitting on the pavement near the entrance.

Video footage depicted Thunberg standing composedly as two police officers engaged with her. One was observed holding her arm. Static images revealed her undergoing a search and subsequently being placed in the back of a police vehicle.

Protesters brandished banners aloft and chanted slogans such as “oily money out” and “cancel the conference,” whilst a number of them ignited yellow and pink smoke flares.

Meanwhile, two activists from the environmental organisation Greenpeace descended from the hotel’s roof to unfurl an immense banner bearing the message, “Make Big Oil Pay.”

The group asserted that a multitude of demonstrators had congregated in front of the venue to voice their opposition to the sway exerted by the fossil fuel industry on climate policies in the UK and globally.

Thunberg has sparked a worldwide youth movement calling for more robust measures to combat climate change. [Image by Toby Melville/Reuters]
The Metropolitan Police of London have reported that, initially, six individuals were apprehended on suspicion of obstructing a highway during the protest. Subsequently, an additional 14 were taken into custody on suspicion of disrupting public order, and one person was detained for alleged criminal damage.

According to the police, they engaged in discussions with the protesters regarding safe access to the venue in order to prevent significant disruption to the hotel and its guests. However, a number of activists declined to vacate the road.

As of now, no formal charges have been filed.

The protesters assert that fossil fuel companies are deliberately impeding the global transition to renewable energy sources, all in the pursuit of higher profits.

“The globe is engulfed in fossil fuels. Our aspirations, dreams, and livelihoods are being swept away in a deluge of greenwashing and deceit,” Thunberg informed reporters prior to her detainment. “It has been evident for decades that the fossil fuel industries were fully cognizant of the repercussions of their business models, yet they have taken no action.”

“We cannot allow this to persist. The privileged attendees of the oil and finance conference harbour no intentions of transitioning,” she continued. “We are left with no choice but to position our bodies outside this conference and disrupt it physically. We must do this each time, persistently demonstrating that they will not escape accountability.”

Police stated that those apprehended have been placed under custody and that officers remain on the premises.

Environmental organisations affirm they will persist in their protests throughout the scheduled forum, which is slated to span three days.

Thunberg galvanized a worldwide youth movement, demanding more robust measures to combat climate change, having initiated weekly protests outside the Swedish Parliament in 2018. She was recently fined by a Swedish court for defying police orders during an environmental protest in Sweden.

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