
Esteemed actor Mike Nussbaum has passed away at the age of 99

Nussbaum is survived by his three children.

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Esteemed actor Mike Nussbaum, recognized for his roles in renowned films like Men in Black and Field of Dreams, has passed away at the age of 99, just shy of his 100th birthday.

His daughter, Karen, relayed the news to TMZ, sharing that she was by his side in the hospice where he spent his final year. She mentioned that he peacefully passed away due to old age, expressing, “It was his time.”

Before his declining health, Nussbaum remained one of the industry’s oldest working actors, securing credits as recently as 2020. However, his major contributions were in the 1980s and ’90s, notably portraying Gentle Rosenberg in Men in Black.

Apart from his screen accomplishments, the Chicagoan actor had a prolific stage career, even performing in a production of Hamlet at the age of 95. Despite his success, he maintained a notably modest demeanor throughout his journey in the arts.

Reflecting on his rich life in the arts, he once shared with the Chicago Sun-Times in 2019, “I’m lucky. Genetic luck. I work out and I try to eat sensibly. I gave up smoking about 50 years ago. It’s just pure luck.” He held a similar view regarding his career’s trajectory.

He also imparted advice about the value of being stationed in Chicago, stating, “I think that being an actor in Chicago, over a number of years, is the most satisfying life I could imagine. I found New York and LA to be… antithetic to art. The desire for fame, the desire for glory, for money, is overwhelming in both cities.”

In conclusion, he remarked, “Although I had some success in both cities, I decided my life was more balanced here. I enjoy getting on the bus to go downtown and have someone come up and say, ‘I loved you in such-and-such’.” This sage advice encapsulated his presence on set.

Nussbaum is survived by his three children.

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