
Piers Morgan has reportedly disclosed the identities of the individuals accused of racism within the royal family, as mentioned in Omid Scobie’s book, “Endgame”

The presenter asserts that Britons who financially support the royal family have a rightful entitlement to information.

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Piers Morgan has publicly revealed the identities of two senior members of the royal family who are alleged to have made comments about the skin tone of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s son before his birth.

These claims were included in Omid Scobie’s recent book, “Endgame,” released this week. The book, which suggests derogatory remarks were made about Meghan and Harry’s son Archie, had previously withheld the identities of the two royals in the UK and US editions. However, an edition sold in the Netherlands contained an additional paragraph that identified them, resulting in the expectation that numerous copies of the book will be discarded.

During a segment on his television show spanning eight and a half minutes, Morgan divulged the names of the pair, stating, “If Dutch readers in a bookshop can access these names, then British citizens, who financially support the royal family, deserve to know as well.”

Morgan criticised Scobie’s book as “malicious,” alleging that it added fuel to an already contentious situation. He emphasized his reluctance to believe the allegations unless supported by evidence.

Piers Morgan delivers his tirade

There’s been mounting speculation that the controversy surrounding the book’s publication in the Netherlands was a deliberate ploy to enhance sales.

Michael Cole, a commentator on matters concerning the royal family, shared with GB News: “If it was an inadvertent mistake by the Dutch publishers, that’s one thing. But if this was a deliberate attempt to generate more sales for this book, it changes the entire scenario.”

“Labelling someone or something as racist is a serious accusation. It’s an accusation that’s easy to make but incredibly challenging to disprove because it requires proving a negative. Whether it’s directed at a member of the royal family or anyone else, it’s an unsightly allegation to level.”

Royal biographer Omid Scobie
(BBC Newsnight)

The Duke and Duchess initially raised these assertions about their relatives during their interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021.

The Duchess mentioned, “During those months of my pregnancy… we had simultaneous discussions about ‘He won’t be provided security. He won’t be granted a title’ and discussions regarding concerns about how dark his skin might be upon birth.”

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex during their interview with Oprah Winfrey
(PA Media)

The couple declined to reveal the royal in question, affirming that it wasn’t the late Queen or her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, who were involved at that particular juncture.

A year prior to the uproar that shook the British monarchy, the couple had relocated from the UK to settle near Los Angeles.

Royal journalist Rick Evers, who perused the Dutch rendition of the book, mentioned that the initial royal’s name was “highly specific,” and additionally hinted at a second, more ambiguously referenced name elsewhere in the text.

However, Scobie staunchly maintains that the identification of the royals was simply a “translation error” in his blistering critique of the Windsors.

“Given that I solely handled the writing and editing of the English version of Endgame, I can only attest to that manuscript – which refrains from explicitly naming the two individuals engaged in the conversation,” he stated.

Royal experts have raised doubts regarding the plausibility of “misinterpreting two names.”

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