
Sky News Anchor Kay Burley Faces 1,500 Ofcom Complaints Following Remark About Israel

Renowned Sky News anchor Kay Burley is facing a barrage of over 1,500 complaints lodged with Ofcom. Viewers allege that she misrepresented statements from the Palestinian ambassador regarding the recent attack on Israel.

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Sky News presenter Kay Burley has garnered over 1,500 complaints to Ofcom following remarks made about Israel in the aftermath of a terror attack.

Viewers argued that the 62-year-old journalist misinterpreted statements made by Palestinian Ambassador Husam Zomlot. During her morning show on October 10th, Burley accused Zomlot of suggesting “Israel had it coming” in relation to the recent attacks attributed to Hamas.

It seems Kay’s comments were drawn from an interview with the Palestinian ambassador conducted by CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. Zomlot stated, “What is even more tragic or equally tragic is the blindness and deafness of the international community for so many years. Of the warning we have been giving that this was coming. Israel knew that this was coming their way.”

The programme received a total of 1,537 complaints to Ofcom, with some viewers accusing Kay of disseminating false allegations.

Kay Burley Faces Over 1,500 Ofcom Complaints (Image: Sky UK Limited).

Audience members turned to social media to express their displeasure with the presenter. Michael Walker of Novara Media criticised, stating: “This is truly subpar journalism from @KayBurley and akin to a playground troublemaker.

“You can’t simply fabricate provocative statements and then insist that others react to them.” Another irate viewer commented: “On several occasions today, [Burley] attributed statements to Palestine’s ambassador [Zomlot] that were false.”

Kay inaccurately reported statements attributed to Palestinian Ambassador Husam Zomlot (Image: Thomas Krych / Avalon)

“She presented these questions to Labour MPs in an attempt to dissuade David Lammy from sharing a platform with Zomlot tonight.” A third individual added, “Sky News was caught fabricating quotes attributed to the Palestinian ambassador, and then misled Labour MPs. Kay Burley implored MPs not to meet with Zomlot, falsely claiming he said Israeli victims ‘deserved it’.

“He did not, of course. Absolutely shocking!” Another person called for her removal from Sky News, stating, “Without exaggeration, Kay Burley should be dismissed for this. She is manipulating public opinion towards genocide by distorting Zomlot’s statements.”

Someone else concurred, “Kay Burley from Sky News, blatantly lying to four guests about Husam Zomlot. This is utterly disgraceful. Not to mention the danger posed by the narrative she is propagating.” Meanwhile, a sixth individual remarked, “I’m sorry Kay, but what you just reported was not accurate. You skimmed over their words and made a brief statement that carries an entirely different meaning?” (sic)

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